The Gospel of Luke
Book Outline & Menu of Notes
Key & Guide to Notes
- The Gospel of Luke -
- Note: The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) are very similar accounts. Most events are considered in the Book Notes on Matthew.
- Therefore, the commentary (in the Book Notes) on Mark and Luke is limited to passages which do not appear in Matthew.
- See How to use the Book Notes on Mark & Luke.
- Outline of Luke:
- I. The Evangelist's Introduction, 1:1-4.
- II. The human relationships of Jesus, 1:5- 2:52.
- The birth of John the Baptist foretold.
- The birth of Jesus announced to Mary.
- Mary's magnificat.
- The birth of John the Baptist.
- The birth of Jesus. ch.2
- Adoration of Simeon and Anna.
- Jesus in Nazareth & at Passover in Jerusalem.
- III. The baptism, ancestry & testing of Jesus, 3:1- 4:13.
- The ministry of John the Baptist. ch.3
- The Baptism of Jesus.
- The geneology of Jesus (through Mary's line).
- The temptation of Jesus. 4:1-13
- IV. The ministry of the Son of man
- as Prophet-King in Galilee, 4:14- 9:50.
- In the synagogue in Nazareth.
- In Capernaum, casts out demons,
- and heals Peter's wife's mother.
- The miraculous draught of fish. ch.5
- Healing of a leper, and a paralytic.
- The call of Matthew.
- Jesus answers Scribes & Pharisees:
- Only the sick need a physician.
- The Parables of the garment & bottles.
- A withered hand healed on the Sabbath. ch.6
- The twelve chosen.
- The Beatitudes, and the House on the Rock.
- The centurion's servant healed. ch.7
- The widow's son raised.
- The commendation of John the Baptist.
- Dinner with Simon the Pharisee,
- and the Parable of two debtors.
- Parables of the Sower;
- and the lighted Candle. ch.8
- Jesus stills the storm,
- and heals the demoniac of Gadara.
- Jesus heals a woman,
- and raises Jairus' daughter.
- The twelve sent forth to preach. ch.9
- Peter's confession that Jesus is the Christ.
- Jesus foretells His death & resurrection;
requires each follower to take up his cross.
- The Transfiguration.
- The disciples fail, but Jesus casts out a demon.
- Jesus foretells His death & resurrection;
requires disciples to have childlike humility.
- V. The journey of the Son of Man
- from Galilee to Jerusalem, 9:51- 19:44
- Vengeful hearts of James & John,
- versus His heart of Grace. 9:51-f
- Potential disciples tested by family loyalties.
- The seventy sent before Him. ch.10
- Jesus denounces certain Galilean cities
- for their unbelief.
- Who is my neighbor?
- Parable of the good Samaritan.
- Martha & Mary in contrast.
- The one thing needful.
- Jesus teaches about prayer. ch.11
- Jesus accused of casting out demons
- by Beelzebub.
- The sign of the prophet Jonah.
- Jesus denounces the Pharisees & lawyers
- for their hypocrisy.
- Jesus warns of the Pharisees' leaven. ch.12
- Parable of the Rich Fool.
- Parables and warnings
- related to the Lord's second coming.
- The devision of men & families
- because of Jesus Christ.
- Men must repent, not judge. ch.13
- Parable of the barren fig tree.
- The woman loosed from her infirmity.
- Parables of the Mustard Seed,
- and the Leaven in the Meal.
- Are there few that be saved?
- Jesus laments over Jerusalem.
- Jesus heals on the Sabbath. ch.14
- Parables of the Ambitious Guest,
- and of the Great Supper.
- Discipleship tested:
- priority of love for Christ & death to self.
- consideration of cost & opposition.
- constancy of purifying influence.
- Parables of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin,
- and the Lost (Prodigal) Son. ch.15
- Parable of the Unjust Steward. ch.16
- The Rich Man and Lazarus.
- Instruction about forgiveness. ch.17
- Parable about unprofitable servants.
- Ten Lepers healed.
- The Kingdom of God, then in the midst,
will come suddenly in the Day of Christ.
- Parable of the Unjust Judge. ch.18
- Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican.
- Jesus blesses little children,
- and counsels a rich young ruler.
- Jesus foretells His death & resurrection.
- Jesus heals a blind man near Jericho.
- Conversion of Zacchaeus. ch.19
- Parable of the Ten Pounds.
- Jesus presents Himself as King,
- and weeps over Jerusalem.
- VI. The final offer of the Son of man
- as King to Israel, His rejection and sacrifice, 19:45- 23:56.
- Jesus purifies the Temple. 19:45-48
- Jesus' authority questioned. ch.20
- Parable of the vineyard owner
- seeking fruit from its keepers.
- Jesus questioned about paying tribute to Caesar.
- Jesus answers the Sadducees about the resurrection.
- Jesus questions the scribes:
- How say they that Christ is David's son?
- The widow's mite. ch.21
- The Olivet Discourse:
- the course of the Age,
- the destruction of Jerusalem,
- the return of the Lord in Glory,
- the Parable of the Fig Tree,
- warnings to watch for the Lord's return.
- Judas promises to betray Jesus. ch.22
- The Passover dinner,
- the Lord's Supper instituted.
- Jesus announces His betrayal,
- demands servant-leadership of His disciples,
- predicts Peter's denial,
- and warns of coming conflicts.
- Jesus prays at Gethsemane,
- is betrayed by Judas,
- is arrested,
- is denied by Peter,
- is taken before the Sanhedrin.
- Jesus is led before Pilate, Herod,
- and again Pilate. ch.23
- Jesus is crucified,
- assures the repentant thief,
- dismisses His Spirit,
- and is buried.
- VII. The resurrection, the post-resurrection ministry,
- and the ascension of the Son of man, ch.24.
- The empty tomb examined by early arrivals.
- Jesus appears to two disciples
- on the road to Emmaus.
- Jesus appears to the eleven disciples,
and expounds the Scriptures about Himself.
- Jesus commissions His disciples,
- and ascends into heaven.
[Elements in the above outline were adapted from the Scofield Reference Bible, pub. 1917.]
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