according to God's design, and by His creative power- Notice the words which are used repeatedly in the account of the six days of Creation, and here (in Gen 1:26,27), of God's specific creative actions in regard to man:
"God said..."- His utterance expressed the thoughts of His mind.
"Let us make man..."- The word 'make' {HB='asah, fashion, accomplish, produce, appoint} expresses the implementation of His preconceived design.
"So God created man..."- The word "created" {HB=bara, to make a new thing} is used three times in this verse. Man did not evolve from lesser forms, rather God created man as something new and distinct from the rest of his creation and creatures. The Genesis account of man's creation provides, for all of Adam's descendants, the answer to the question: 'Where did I come from?' (see Psa 139:13-18)
for God's purposes- The account of creation also begins to answer the question: 'Why am I here?'
God gave Adam and his descendants tasks to perform (eg., to have dominion over the other creatures on earth, and to populate the earth with people (v.26,28). God had other purposes for mankind, which are not disclosed in the account of creation, but which are revealed later in Scripture (eg., Psa 8; Heb 2:6-9; Psa 103:1,19-22; Rev 4:11). [Further Study on this topic: Man and God's Purposes] Note:It is recommended that you work through Lesson #4 completely. Then, as you go back and review the lesson, follow the "Further Study" links.
in God's image- to represent God's glory to His creation. After man's fall, his representation of God was distorted. (However, in Jesus Christ, God's image is true, and will be restored in those who He makes new. See Col 1:15 & Col 3:10)
in God's likeness-
with intellectual & creative abilities which set man apart from all other earthly creatures.
in three parts- body, soul, spirit (cp. 1The 5:23)
-is under God's sentence of death for his sin. Gen 2:17; Rom 5:12
Death involves separation:
Physically from the world and human relationships. Psa 90:7-10
Spiritually from God, the source of all life and of all that is good. Mat 10:28; Isa 59:1,2
Mankind -is loved by God, who has made provision for their redemption. Joh 3:16; Rom 3:23; 6:23
The Jewish race was chosen by God as the channel through which He would communicate the message of redemption, and through which the Redeemer would come into the world. Gen 12:1-3; Rom 3:1-3; 9:1-5
The Bible tells the story of man's failure before the Holy God. Man is revealed as incapable of fulfilling his responsibilities to God, regardless of the requirements placed upon him, and regardless of his environment and opportunities. Seven distinct periods, of human history, may be observed in scripture, in each of which, man consistently fails, though he is tested under varying circumstances. These periods are sometimes referred to as "the seven dispensations." (The dispensations are explained in Chapter 2 of the more advanced study entitled Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth.)