
Book Outline & Menu of Notes

Key & Guide to Notes
- Exodus -
Israel is brought out of slavery in Egypt.
I. A Deliverer, ch. 1-11
  1. Slavery of Israel in Egypt, Exodus 1
  2. Birth of Moses, Exodus 2
    Moses' first 40 years, in Pharaoh's palace.
  3. Call of Moses, Exodus 3
    Moses' second 40 years, in Midian.
    God meets him at the Burning Bush.
  4. Return of Moses to Egypt, Exodus 4
    Announcement of deliverance to Israel.
  5. Contest with Pharaoh, ch. 5-11
    -- Who is the LORD...? Exodus 5
    -- Now you will see... Exodus 6
    Nine plagues against the Idolatry of Egypt.
    Exodus 7 -
    -- Moses begins his third 40 years.
    -- A sign: the rod becomes a serpent.
    -- Plague #1: Water turned into blood.
    Exodus 8 -
    -- Plague #2: Frogs
    -- Plague #3: Lice
    -- Plague #4: Flies
    Exodus 9 -
    -- Plague #5: Disease upon livestock
    -- Plague #6: Boils upon men
    -- Plague #7: Hail destroys crops
    Exodus 10 -
    -- Plague #8: Locusts consume crops
    -- Plague #9: Darkness
    Exodus 11 -
    -- The warning of the final plague.
II. Deliverance (by Blood & by Power), ch. 12-14
  1. Institution of Passover (Blood), Ex 12
    -- Plague #10: Death of the First-born.
  2. Sanctification of the First-born, Ex 13
  3. Crossing of the Red Sea - Ex 14
    Destruction of Egypt's Army (Power)
  4. The Song of the Redeemed. Ex 15
III. en-route to Mt. Sinai, 15:22- ch.18
  1. Marah- bitter made sweet. 15:22-26
  2. Elim- refreshment. 15:27
  3. Wilderness of Sin- Exodus 16
    1. Hunger: quail & Manna.
    2. Sabbath rest.
  4. Rephidim- Exodus 17
    1. Thirst: water from the Rock. 17:1-7
    2. Conflict: Amalek vs. the LORD. 17:8-16
    3. The Counsel of Jethro. Ex 18
IV. The Law, ch. 19-24
- - (The basis of Condemnation)
  1. Responsibility: 'We will do...' Ex 19
  2. Ten Commandments & an Altar. Ex 20
  3. The Judgments re: Israel's social life.
    • Masters & Slaves. Ex 21
      Personal Injury.
    • Property Rights. Ex 22
      Personal Abuse.
    • Preservation of Justice. Ex 23
      The Sabbatic Year.
      Three Mandatory Feasts.
      The Conquest of the Land.
    • Acceptance of the Law. Ex 24
      Fellowship with God.
V. The Pattern of the Tabernacle, ch. 25-40
- - (A Picture of Christ)
       Also see the supplemental study:
    Christ in the Tabernacle, by W.W. Rugh.
       For either study, refer to the
    Diagram of the Tabernacle (opens new window).
  1. The Details of the Pattern (ch. 25-31)
    • Ex 25- the Ark, the Table, the Lampstand
    • Ex 26- the Coverings, the Boards, the Veil, the Door
    • Ex 27- the Brazen Altar, the Court, the Gate, the Oil for the Lamp
    • Ex 28- the Garments of the Priests
    • Ex 29- the Consecration of the Priests
    • Ex 30- the Golden Altar of Incense, the Silver of Redemption, the Laver, the Anointing Oil, the Incense
    • Ex 31 the Workmen & the Sabbath
  2. The Demonstration of the Need (ch. 32-34)
    • Ex 32 the Broken Law,
      the Intercession of Moses
    • Ex 33 the Prayer of Moses:
      to know the LORD's Presence & Glory
    • Ex 34 the LORD - proclaims His Name,
      • accepts Moses' appeal for mercy,
      • restates His Covenant & Israel's duty,
      • provides the second Tables of the Law,
      • previews His glory behind Moses' veil.
  3. The Construction, consistent with the Pattern - Ex 35-40
    • Ex 35- the Offerings & the Workmen
    • Ex 36- the Tabernacle & its Coverings
    • Ex 37- the Furniture of the Holy Places
    • Ex 38- the Court & its Furniture
    • Ex 39- the Priestly Garments
    • Ex 40- the Tabernacle Set Up
[outline adapted from JVMcGee]

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