Key & Guide to Notes

Keys to Understanding Scripture:
  1. Seek God's Face. As His Spirit moved holy men of God to record the words of Scripture, only the Holy Spirit can make hearts holy to receive them. Only He can breathe into us Life and understanding. (1Cor 2:9-14; John 16:13,14; Dan 9:3)
  2. Search the Scriptures. No scripture is of "private interpretation". Scripture must be compared with scripture. Therefore, do not neglect the cross references in the notes that follow. The scripture references form the text of this commentary. (They should not be set aside as mere footnotes). All notes supplied by this compiler should be regarded simply as links from one scripture to another. (John 5:39; 2Pet 1:20,21)
  3. Set Your Heart to Obey His Word. (John 7:16-18; John 14:21; Luke 6:46-49)

Keys to using the Notes:

These notes have been assembled from personal Bible study. They are not meant to be a polished product. Rather the notes are meant to provide you with a resource which will help you come to your own understanding of the scripture text.

Normally, the Notes will display in the large upper window.

Generally, the displayed note page deals with one Bible chapter. At the top of the page, there is a link to the scripture passage under consideration. It is suggested that you Click this link to display the Bible text in the Lower Left window. You should read carefully through the scripture passage more than once. If questions or insights come to mind as you read, write them down with pencil and paper. When you finish reading the scripture passage, study the Notes. Look for answers to your questions. Compare your insights with the Notes discussion. You can scroll through the scripture text as needed during the study.

In the Book Notes, the Bible text (in the chapter under study) is shown in bold italics to set it apart from the notes.

The note following each verse (or group of verses) will point out and discuss important words and phrases from the passage.

Since the best Bible commentary is the Bible itself, you should consider the notes as a framework by which to compare Scripture with Scripture. The frequent scripture reference links are the heart of this study. When you click on these links, the linked passage will usually display in the Lower Right window. (If the link is to a verse in the chapter under study, it will display in the Lower Left window.) You may scroll the text to see the context.

Occasionally, there are links to other resources, or to relevant 'Book Notes' at other Bible books or chapters. By default, links to 'Book Notes' will display in the primary (upper) window. (Links to 'Notes' will display in the Lower Left window.) When accessing 'Book Notes' outside of your primary study, there are two options:

  1. Click the link to open the new 'Book Notes' page in the Upper window. To navigate back to the original chapter under study, use the Book Notes button.
  2. Open 'The Book' in a second window (or tab) (There is a similar link at top of this 'Key & Guide to Notes.') Then, in the new tab or window, use the Book Notes button to navigate to the supplemental note (referenced in the link).
       This is the recommended method, because it avoids interruption of the primary study and facilitates switching between windows for efficient comparison.
       Alternate method: right click on any of the 'Home' buttons (left end of button bar at top of theBookwurm window), then make your selection from the drop-down menu (this 'right click' function may not work on all browsers).

Also see 'Notes (vs. Book Notes)' in the 'Key to Abbreviations & Symbols' (below).

Key to Abbreviations & Symbols:
Bold/Italics - Text in this format is
Scripture upon which a given note is commenting.
A.V. - Authorized Version of the Bible
(also called the King James Version)
Book Notes (vs. Notes) - See 'Notes' below.
c.    - Circa, at about the time of...
(Example: c. 1800 AD means "about 1800 AD")
cf.   - Contrast...
ch.   - Chapter(s)
CEMason - Alluding to or quoting from
class notes by Clarence E. Mason, professor, Philadelphia College of Bible, Phila, PA.
CJEllicott- Alluding to or quoting from
"A Layman's Commentary on the Bible: Titus, Philemon, Hebrews & James", CJ Ellicott, Zondervan, 1957
CHM  - Alluding to or quoting from
the works of C.H.Mackintosh (eg. "Notes on Genesis" or "Notes on Exodus", Fleming H. Revell Co., 1873.
CHS  - Alluding to or quoting from
the works of Charles Haddon Spurgeon (eg. "The Treasury of David" on the Psalms)
cp.   - Compare...
Darby - Alluding to or quoting from
"A literal translation of the Old Testament (1890) and the New Testament (1884)," by John Nelson Darby
eg.   - For example...
ESV  - English Standard Version of the Bible, 2011
FBHole - Commentary on the NT and selected
books of the OT, by Frank Binford Hole
ff. (f., or -f) - When used after a scripture reference,
means "and the following verses" (eg. Rom 5:1 ff, or Rom 5:1-f).
ie.   - That is...
GK   - Greek (usually followed by
transliteration and/or definition of a Greek word). Example:
GK=agape, self-sacrificing costly love, the type of love with which Christ loves us.
The Greek word "agape" is written in English characters and followed by a definition.
GWms - Alluding to or quoting from
"A Student's Commentary on the Holy Scriptures", George Williams, Kregel Pub., 1960
HB  - Hebrew (usually followed by
transliteration and/or definition of a Hebrew word). See example of usage at "GK" above.
HCSB - Alluding to or quoting from
"Holman Christian Standard Bible," by Holman Bible Publishers, 2009
Ironside - Alluding to or quoting from
one of several commentaries on NT books, by Dr. Harry A. Ironside, Litt. D.
JBS (or JBSmith)- Alluding to or quoting from
"A Revelation of Jesus Christ: A Commentary on the Book of Revelation" by J.B. Smith.
JVMcGee- See "McGee" below
KJV  - King James Version
lit.  - Literal, literally
LXX  - Septuagint, see below.
McGee - Alluding to or quoting from
the edited transcipts of "Thru the Bible" radio broadcasts by Dr. J. Vernon McGee
MSS   - Manuscript(s), ancient copies of the Scriptures.
NASB - New American Standard Bible version
NET or NET Bible - NET Bible, Second edition,
by Biblical Studies Press, 1996-2017
NIV  - New International Version (1984 edition)
Notes (vs. Book Notes) -
Some Book Notes studies include links to relevant Book Notes at other passages. These links appear in two forms: Also see Keys to Using the Notes (above).
NScofRB - Alluding to or quoting from the
"New Scofield Reference Bible", Oxford University Press, 1967.
NT   - New Testament
OT   - Old Testament
R.C.C. - Roman Catholic Church
re:  - Regarding, Relates to
ref. - Reference, Refers to
R.V. - Revised Version of the Bible
RSV - Revised Standard Version
Ryrie S.B.- "The Ryrie Study Bible", Moody Press, 1978
ScofRB. - Alluding to or quoting from the
"Scofield Reference Bible", Oxford University Press, 1917.
Septuagint - An early translation of the OT
into Greek, often abbreviated "LXX"
Stifler - Alluding to or quoting from
"The Epistle to the Romans", James M. Stifler, Moody Press, 1967.
Strongs - Strong's Dictionaries
of the Greek and Hebrew Testaments.
TBKC - The Bible Knowledge Commentary,
John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck, Victor Books, 1983.
ThomCRB- Thompson Chain Reference Bible,
B.B.Kirkbride Bible Co. and Zondervan Corp., 1983.
trans. - Translated
TSK - Treasury of Scripture Knowledge;
R.A.Torrey, J.Canne, Pub., 1836
v. or vs.- Verse(s)
Vine- See WEVine
WEVine- a reference from
"Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words", Thomas Nelson Pub., 1985.
Wuest - As translated by
Dr. Kenneth Wuest, "The New Testament, an Expanded Translation"
WWiersbe - Alluding to or quoting from
"Be Hopeful, 1Peter", by Warren W. Wiersbe, Victor Books, 1983
x   - times ( 7x = seven times)
YLT - Young's Literal Translation of the Bible
#   - Number (#1 = number one).
=   - Equals, is, The meaning is...
Example: GK=agape
[ ]   - When occurring in line of Scripture text,
encloses words which are italicized in the KJV text.
[Note: The translators of the KJV, attempted to render the original languages into English as faithfully and literally as possible. When, in their judgment, they needed to supply a word to adequately convey the thought in English, this word was italicized. Due to formatting limitations, brackets are utilized instead of italics in this publication.]
Elsewhere, used as parenthesis (as above), [(double) parenthesis], and frequently to identify a reference [source].
{ }   - When occurring in line of Scripture text,
encloses a note or alternate reading.
^   - Therefore, It follows that...
Scripture Reference format:
[book] [chapter]:[verses]
1Cor 15:1-5 [verses 1 through 5]
Joh 3:16-18,36 [vs.16 though 18, and v. 36]
Mat 28:1-f [v.1 and following]
Joh 3:36a [refers to the first clause of the verse]
Joh 3:36b [refers to the second clause of the verse]
Joh 3:36c [refers to the third clause, etc.]

How to use the Book Notes on Mark & Luke
Note 1:
The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) are very similar accounts of the earthly life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Most of the recorded events are considered in some detail, in the Book Notes on Matthew. However, these events do not always follow in the same order in the different accounts. Also, there are a few passages which are unique to Mark and Luke.
   Therefore, most of the commentary (in the Book Notes) on Mark and Luke will focus on passages which do not appear in Matthew. Where applicable, cross references are provided to parallel passages in the other Gospels.
Note 2:
The references immediately below the sectional headings (between sections of the Bible text in Mark & Luke) are to the Bible text of parallel passages in the other three Gospel accounts. Where these references are in bold font, there are relevant Book Notes at that passage.
   To access those Book Notes, first, take note of the reference, then either:
  1. Use the Book Notes button, to navigate to the Book Notes on the referenced passage. (or)
  2. Open a new instance of 'The Book' (in a new window or tab). Then, navigate to the Book Notes (for the referenced passage) via the button in the new window.
       This is the recommended method, because it avoids interruption of the primary study and facilitates switching between windows for efficient comparison.
       To open a new instance of 'The Book' use this link: Open 'The Book' in a new window (a similar link is included on each page of the Mark and Luke notes, and also near the top of this Key & Guide to Notes).
       The links mentioned above will open a new instance of 'the Book' in the default "3 Windows" mode. To open the new instance in your preferred viewing mode: right click on any of the 'Home' buttons (left end of button bar at top of theBookwurm window), then make your selection from the drop-down menu (this 'right click' function may not work on all browsers).