Bible Study Outlines

Volume 4, Lesson 9
by C.I. Scofield

The Chosen People Redeemed, Part III

Redemption Through Sacrifice (Exodus 12)

  1. Sacrificial animals were without spot. Christ was sinless
  2. The lamb must be slain. True also of Christ the Lamb of God.
  3. The blood must be applied. We must trust in Christ.
    This answers to the believer's act of faith in receiving Christ.
  4. The blood thus applied, provides a perfect protection from judgment

    The blood alone, when sprinkled, made the Israelite absolutely safe from the divine judgment. It was not admiration of the lamb, nor imitation of the lamb, nor affection of the lamb, which made the Israelite safe. And this applies entirely to "Christ our Passover... sacrificed for us" (ICorinthians 5:7).

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